lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. enim fugiat eveniet optio distinctio ipsam vel, impedit expedita. consequuntur sed blanditiis officia laborum rem id illo temporibus beatae. possimus, nesciunt quasi? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Enim fugiat eveniet optio distinctio ipsam vel, impedit expedita. Consequuntur sed blanditiis officia laborum rem id illo temporibus beatae. Possimus, nesciunt quasi? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Enim fugiat eveniet optio distinctio ipsam vel, impedit expedita. Consequuntur sed blanditiis officia laborum rem id illo temporibus beatae. Possimus, nesciunt quasi? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Enim fugiat eveniet optio distinctio ipsam vel, impedit expedita. Consequuntur sed blanditiis officia laborum rem id illo temporibus beatae. Possimus, nesciunt quasi?
Bulma is a modern CSS framework from @jgthms, based on Flexbox. Using Bulma, we can describe our website's design using just classes. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ


August days the water is pale green and clear

enough to stand in over your waist and … watch sand stirred, roiled, and … with rays, skates, shrimp etc…… your toes wiggle in the sand, but not this morning. Weekend-long thunderstorms overflowed inlets to their brackish conclusions and swept silky sediment out into the bay to stir with pristine white sand along the tourist beach.

The squalls knocked out electricity to the trailer park Motor Court??.. where he lived and downed the big wooden sign that proudly marked the entrance to Gulf to Bay ….park… The storms were gone this morning, but Rip currents were building to,,, by late afternoon with the low tide so being gone by then…, careful of stingrays lying/buried in the muck, Warm, murky water…Tiger shark’s, sometimes monsters eclipsing the large Hammerheads and slightly smaller but more lethal Bull Sharks,…. favorite conditions.

************************************************************* On the weathered boards of the pier, the diehards were all abuzz about the big shark old creepy Reggie Wilbur hooked on a grouper rig not long before ‘he’ got there. 14 feet long if it were an inch they were saying. The other fishermen were huddled under the bait house roof, chatting and drinking, waiting out another round of lightning when they heard a commotion and looked to see Reggie’s deep-sea rod straining, groaning, bending in half and about ready to snap when Reggie stumbled backward and untethered fishing line floated and snapped in the breeze. At one point in the brief struggle the creature rose near to the surface, and under the pier floodlights witnesses could make out enough to say that it was a tiger shark, and the biggest any of them had ever seen. Even for ‘porkers’ like Tiger’s this was large, an impressive specimen. …” . A grouper rig don’t have any wire. If he had some good wire leader, he could a made a fight of it.” No one on the pier saw the shark again that night.
On the weathered boards of the pier, the diehards were all abuzz about the big shark old creepy Reggie Wilbur hooked on a grouper rig not long before ‘he’ got there. 14 feet long if it were an inch they were saying. The other fishermen were huddled under the bait house roof, chatting and drinking, waiting out another round of lightning when they heard a commotion and looked to see Reggie’s deep-sea rod straining, groaning, bending in half and about ready to snap when Reggie stumbled backward and untethered fishing line floated and snapped in the breeze. At one point in the brief struggle the creature rose near to the surface, and under the pier floodlights witnesses could make out enough to say that it was a tiger shark, and the biggest any of them had ever seen. Even for ‘porkers’ like Tiger’s this was large, an impressive specimen. …” . A grouper rig don’t have any wire. If he had some good wire leader, he could a made a fight of it.” No one on the pier saw the shark again that night.
&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ___________ ))))))))))))))) 0000000000000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Foggy night crew/robbery/etc helicopters, police cars etc. can’t follow,,,,they specialize in foggy nights split between ????? NorthWest and ??? (Fla. Sometimes in winter…depending on fronts that produce fog……….kljk;ljkl; Most August days the water is pale green and clear enough to stand in over your waist and … watch sand stirred, roiled, and … with rays, skates, shrimp etc…… your toes wiggle in the sand, but not this morning. Weekend-long thunderstorms overflowed inlets to their brackish conclusions and swept silky sediment out into the bay to stir with pristine white sand along the tourist beach. The squalls knocked out electricity to the trailer park Motor Court??.. where he lived and downed the big wooden sign that proudly marked the entrance to Gulf to Bay ….park… The storms were gone this morning, but Rip currents were building to,,, by late afternoon with the low tide so being gone by then…, careful of stingrays lying/buried in the muck, Warm, murky water…Tiger shark’s, sometimes monsters eclipsing the large Hammerheads and slightly smaller but more lethal Bull Sharks,…. favorite conditions. but it was summertime. the school was out. so why sweat the details? Hurrying down the planked path that aimed to keep beachgoers from trampling the dunes or stealing sea oats while balancing the new Shimano, a middle school graduation present, in one hand and the family’s old yellow bait bucket in the other. The bucket was empty save a bundled and fraying five-foot cast net, two Marlboros swiped from Aunt Jeane while they were out admiring dad’s new skiff/john boat?? Or they politely pretended to….. wearing pockets in cut-off jeans held the leader line, hooks, and a couple of split shot sinkers.


Most August days the water is pale green and clear enough to stand in over your waist and … watch sand stirred, roiled, and … with rays, skates, shrimp etc…… your toes wiggle in the sand, but not this morning. Weekend-long thunderstorms overflowed inlets to their brackish conclusions and swept silky sediment out into the bay to stir with pristine white sand along the tourist beach.

this had no p tag, just line breaks in notepad...Does break show????? ALSO....try indentation on para. below...... The squalls knocked out electricity to the trailer park Motor Court??.. where he lived and downed the big wooden sign that proudly marked the entrance to Gulf to Bay ….park…

The storms were gone this morning, but Rip currents were building to,,, by late afternoon with the low tide so being gone by then…, careful of stingrays lying/buried in the muck, Warm, murky water…Tiger shark’s, sometimes monsters eclipsing the large Hammerheads and slightly smaller but more lethal Bull Sharks,…. favorite conditions.

The storms were gone this morning, but Rip currents were building to,,, by late afternoon with the low tide so being gone by then…, careful of stingrays lying/buried in the muck, Warm, murky water…Tiger shark’s, sometimes monsters eclipsing the large Hammerheads and slightly smaller but more lethal Bull Sharks,…. favorite conditions.

this is h2 header

but it was summertime. the school was out. so why sweat the details? Hurrying down the planked path that aimed to keep beachgoers from trampling the dunes or stealing sea oats while balancing the new Shimano, a middle school graduation present, in one hand and the family’s old yellow bait bucket in the other. The bucket was empty save a bundled and fraying five-foot cast net, two Marlboros swiped from Aunt Jeane while they were out admiring dad’s new skiff/john boat?? Or they politely pretended to….. wearing pockets in cut-off jeans held the leader line, hooks, and a couple of split shot sinkers.

Instead of writing our CSS per-element, we can use predefined classes. With enough classes, we can describe our website design using semantics. ٩(^ᴗ^)۶

Velit dolore officia exercitation adipisicing in dolore excepteur dolore proident velit nisi irure. Qui voluptate proident nostrud mollit incididunt occaecat velit reprehenderit et. Non occaecat duis Lorem et sunt cillum. Do Lorem est sunt enim adipisicing occaecat ipsum Lorem anim. Non anim anim fugiat labore. Irure voluptate labore enim officia quis non consequat cupidatat ea minim proident sunt velit est.

Feeling around where the impact struck there was no blood, and he didn’t think he’d been bitten. It must have only bumped him. Just curious, maybe. He couldn’t see it. Whatever it was. The pounding came on again, slow at first, but then he figured his heart had never beat this fast either. Not after wind sprints, or the half marathon, or the night last February when he went down Sherry Cramer’s pants by a bonfire in the palmettos. Once he made it to dry sand and caught his breath, he would run barefoot down to the bridge and back thinking about Sherry and unconcerned about the heat, or if his shoulders and cheekbones were starting to burn, or even about his gear laying on the beach. Time flashed by in fits and starts. When he looked down and saw his navel was even with the waterline, he thought he was going to be okay. He could move a little easier now. Faster. Almost walking speed. Sabal palms leaned out over the dunes and no beach anywhere ever looked so welcoming, not even on the postcards next to the register in the pier’s bait shop (Callback….). The dorsal fin appeared in front of him, jutting up from the sea like a rising tower of Atlantis and blotting out everything else in the world. It was on him in a second, its head tilted sideways, jaws open in an involuntary grimace. Its head was as wide as the hood of his mom’s Toyota. He wanted to run, or scream, or do something, but he couldn’t decide on anything. He was upside down, or sideways, head underwater, salt burning in his nose and the back of his throat. He was choking, or drowning, and…..while still clenched in its jaws. It was going to kill him. He tried to swing his fists and kick but was ignored. He wasn’t**** even sure if the blows landed. His only coherent thought repeated)))((**** was that the nose is sensitive, go for the nose..., and he didn’t know if that was true or not. It shook him once, then loosened its grip. He turned and could see that its eyes were twitching, and not lifeless at all. They were curious, lively. Faded traces of dark bands evident down along its side. It let go. He struggled to gain his feet and found only the left would take any weight, but he kept moving; still coughing and straining to breathe, eyes so watery the world was a windshield with worn-out wipers on a rainy afternoon. The Shimano was gone but he didn’t remember dropping it. He was hurt. His hip and side began to sting and the surface around him was a pink oil slick. He hobbled the rest of the way, listing like a rolling tarpon. The bucket’s rope had wrapped around his waist a couple of times and once between his legs. One corner of the bucket was crushed, and the gate was twisted open. His blood was already drying on the cheery yellow super-plastic.

Bulma is a modern CSS framework from @jgthms, based on Flexbox. Using Bulma, we can describe our website's design using just classes. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

Flexbox is a CSS spec that makes sectioning and aligning more natural. We don't need to know Flexbox but it's how Bulma works behind-the-scenes. ⦤(^ー^)⦥
Instead of writing our CSS per-element, we can use predefined classes. With enough classes, we can describe our website design using semantics. ٩(^ᴗ^)۶